How to setup your Facebook Pixel?

Facebook pixels helps you track conversions from facebook ads, optimize ads based on collected data, build targeted audiences for future ads, and remarket to qualified leads — people who have already taken some kind of action on your website.

Benefits of using Facebook Pixel.

Track Conversion – You can use the data collected by Facebook pixel to refine your marketing strategy.It allows you to monitor how people interact with your website after viewing your Facebook ad.

Remarket – Pixel tracking data allows you to show targeted ads to people who have already visited your site.You can create custom audiences and lookalike audiences with the use of pixel to remarket.

To create your Facebook Pixel, go to your ads and click on pixels in the menu toolbar.

Click on copy and paste the code option.

Copy the 16 digit pixel code.

Now, Login to your Make My Apparel Account.

You can expect the following Events which make up the normal purchase funnel:

  • ViewContent – Visitor views your campaign.
  • BuyItNow – Visitor clicks on the “Buy it Now” button.
  • AddToCart – Visitor adds an item to their shopping cart.
  • InitiateCheckout – Visitor clicks “Checkout” button.
  • Purchase – Visitor successfully places their order